Partners and alliances

To maximise the BAVirtual experience, we partner with organisations and brands that share our dedication to bringing realism and professionalism to the simulator. This means you can expect high quality resources and opportunities that you won’t find anywhere else, all in the one place. BAVirtual.


We are partnered with VATSIM to provide accredited P1, P2 & P3 training. Upon completing your course, your relevant qualification will be linked to your VATSIM profile for controllers to see.

HUES By Horizon Simulations

With this partnership, we are creating full fleet livery packs exclusively for BAVirtual members. The aim is to take away the necessity to fly the same registration every flight, giving the members the same operational options that a pilot flying for our real world counterpart has access to.


We are partnered with VATSIM UK to provide events ensuring fully staffed ATC events for the VA, and helping ensure a good pilot turnout on VATUK events and controller training days.

Want to be a partner?